The Sassetti Chapel, Santa Trinita, Florence - 4

The right wall of the chapel. The upper image shows the probably apocryphal tale of Francis trying to convert the Sultan Al-Kamil. The Sultan demands that Francis walks through fire to prove the veracity of his preaching. Both frescoes on this wall appear to pay tribute to the versions by Giotto in the Bardi Chapel in Santa Croce.

Giotto: Bardi Chapel Santa Croce

The lower scene shows the death of Francis. The grand renaissance background is a long way from the humble location where Francis died. The figure in red is Girolamo, a citizen of Assisi sometimes said to be a doctor. He is examining Francis to check the claim of stigmata. This parallels the biblical account of Doubting Thomas. Hard to see in this image but a curious feature is the bishop, who has glasses on the end of his nose.
  The fresco includes characters known to the Sassettis. On the left the figure in red is thought to be Angelo Poliziano, a distinguished Florentine scholar and tutor of the Sassetti Children. There is a similar figure in the Giotto fresco.  Next to him is thought to be Bartolomeo Fonzio, a humanist scholar. On the right is a small family group, perhaps a child, father and grandfather. Unidentified, but no doubt known to the Sassettis.

Giotto: Bardi Chapel Santa Croce

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